Sunday 7 February 2016

Top 10 Diets Review

Top 10 Diets Review

Top 10 Diets Review


Diet Effectiveness
(Short Term)
(Long Term)
Ease of use Cost Taste Satiety Health Score (35)
** TOP 10 DIETS **

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscles 3.5 5 4 4 4 4 5 29.5
Abs Diet 3.5 5 4 3 3.5 4 5 28
Low Glycemic 3 5 3 4 3 5 5 28
Low Fat 2.5 5 4 4 3 4 5 27.5
Mediterranean Diet 3 4 3 3 4 4 5 26
Weight Watchers 3 4 3 3 5 3 4 25
Cookie Diet 4 3 5 3 4 4 2 25
Jenny Craigs 3 5 3 2 3 3 5 24
Raw Food Diet 4 3 2 3 2 5 4 23
Slimfast/ Replacement Meals 4 3 5 2 3 3 3 23
** THE REST **
Best For Life Diet 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 23
South Beach Diet 4 4 3 2 2.5 3 4 22.5
Special K Diet 4 1 4 5 3 2 2 21
Cabbage Soup Diet 5 2 4 5 2 2 0 20
Scarsdale Diet 4 3 3 3 2 3 1 19
Atkins Diet/Low Carb 5 5 2 1 2 3 0 18
Detox Diet 5 1 3 3 1 1 2 16

Diet Reviews
Abs Diet
Short Term effectiveness 4/5

By exercising intensly and following the food plans it is suggested that up to 12 pounds can be lost in the first 2 weeks.
Long Term effectiveness 4/5
This is just a 6 week plan diet but it doesn't set a person up for a healthy diet with the incoporation of exercise. The diet plans are balanced.
Ease of use 3/5
There's no calorie counting or weighing. Wide range of foods to choose from. Exercises may require equipment or gym. Have to find the time to shop, cook and exercise. May be difficult for some. Some may find the aboloshing of fats and sugars difficult at first.
Cost 3/5
Need to buy fresh foods and perhaps a gym memberships or some equipment.
Taste 4/5
Might be difficult for some people to cut out bad fats and sugars but otherwise the range of foods to choose from allow for a lot of recipes.
Satiety 5/5
There is no calorie counting because the power foods suggested can be eaten as much as the dieter would like. These foods are filling.
Health 5/5
The power foods suggested by this diet form the basis for a healthy diet. The incorporating of exercise and muscle building in this diet make it a good all rounder.
Total: 28/35 More The Abs Diet >>
Low Glycemic
Short Term effectiveness 3/5
Increasing complex carbohydrates may result in increased water retention
Long Term effectiveness 5/5
It is essentailly based on a well balanced diet in addition to replacing High GI foods with lower GI alternatives
Ease of use 3/5
No tricks or counting calories, just choosing the right foods
Cost 4/5
High in carbs, not protein which is the most expensive component
Taste 3/5
Mainly difficult for those who are accustomed to and enjoy a high protein diet
Satiety 5/5
Allows a wide range of tasty food
Health 5/5
It is essentially a traditional well balanced diet with the addition of low GI carbs
Total: 28/35
Low Fat
Short Term effectiveness 2.5/5
If low in calories, should see immediate weight loss but not so much if carb intake is relatively high
Long Term effectiveness 5/5
High carb low fat diet does allow for a better chance of weight maintenance particuarly if the lower fat component is moderate, not too drastic
Ease of use 4/5
Fine if it's a moderately low fat diet, not extreme. This will allow a wide range of familiar food
Cost 4/5
Will contain a lot of complex carbs which are low cost
Taste 3/5
Those accustomed to a high fat diet may go through a taste adjustment for food lower in fat
Satiety 4/5
A higher carbohydrate diet is generally satisfying, the addition of encouraging low glycemic carbs would result in increased satisfaction
Health 5/5
Low fat and high carbohydates (particularly complex) are generally recommended as a heart healthy diet
Total: 27.5/35 More Low Glycemic >>
Mediterranean Diet
Short Term effectiveness 3/5
A decrease in bad fats, fatty meat and processed grains will see a moderate, steady and healthy weight loss. Nothing drastic.
Long Term effectiveness 4/5
Comprosing of a range of foods from basic food pyramid and a high degree of flexiblity, if the dieter enjoys fish and the other types of foods encouraged and leads an active lifestyle, then this a heart and weight friendly diet.
Ease of use 3/5
This diet is not overly strict and allows some flexiblity with a wide range of foods. Those who need more direction may not consider this as easy.
Cost 3/5
The books for this type of diet are relatively cheap and there are moderately priced cook books available also. Fish as a frequent main component of the diet may not be cost affective for some people in some areas.
Taste 4/5
Covers quite a wide range of foods just like the traditional American food pyramid. But if you love your red meat this diet has very little of it. Allows some wine and if you love fish and white meat you will love it.
Satiety 4/5
Meals are well balanced with filling components from whole grains, meat and vegetables. Portion sizes are key, not too big.
Health 5/5
This diet has been praised for it's heart healthy components and inclusion of good fats. Well balanced without being too strict and an encouragement of exercise.
Total: 26/35 More Mediterranean Diet >>
Weight Watchers
Short Term effectiveness 3/5
Weight loss will not be drastic, the aim is to lose weight at a steady healthy speed
Long Term effectiveness 4/5
The program aims to educate members with new eating habits to help them maintain their weight for life. Group meetings create a valuable support network.
Ease of use 3/5
Most popular system involves counting points, can be fiddly but allows food flexiblity
Cost 3/5
Some have complained about the costs involved
Taste 5/5
Allows a large range of foods but in limited portions. Foods that would never be allowed on other diets
Satiety 3/5
Portions for points system may be smaller then dieters are used to. Other plan allows larger portions of restricted food
Health 4/5
Puts too much emphasis on being able to eat bad foods but in smaller portions.
Total: 25/35 More Weight Watchers >>
Cookie Diet
Short Term effectiveness 4/5
Rapid short term weight loss
Long Term effectiveness 3/5
Perhaps when used as snacks in a well balanced diet
Ease of use 5/5
Very easy to follow, just eat cookies to satisfy hunger
Cost 3/5
$56 for a weeks worth of cookies. $8 a day for snacks throughout the day. Cost effective if cookies make up 2 main meals
Taste 4/5
The cookies aren't mouth watering but tasteful enough snack that comes in different flavours
Satiety 4/5
The role of the cookies are to be eaten whenever one is hungry. However, only dinner is eaten on the strict cookie diet
Health 2/5
Okay if the cookies are apart of a balanced diet but not so good if they act as meal replacements. Will miss out on may vitamins and minerals.
Total: 25/35 More Cookie Diet >>
Jenny Craigs
Short Term effectiveness 3/5
The program is geared more towards the long term then short term, the focus being on slow but steady, healthy weight loss
Long Term effectiveness 5/5
Aims to set dieters up for a healthier lifjestyle with renewed eating habits
Ease of use 3/5
Meals are pre-made calorie controlled meals, minimizing preperation if you are single, but might double your food prep times if you have to cook for others also
Cost 2/5
Cost is maybe more efffective for those who eat out a lot but not so much for those on a tight budget or with a whole family where there would be doubling up on food
Taste 3/5
Flexibility allows members to switch and choose to suit their tastes
Satiety 3/5
Smaller serving sizes but adding vegetables and fruit to servings helps
Health 5/5
This is a program that promotes moderate maintainable weight loss based around a balanced diet with smaller serving sizes and the development of healthier eating habits
Total: 24/35 More Jenny Craigs >>
Raw Food Diet
Short Term effectiveness 4/5
Low calorie and carb intake should result in significant weight loss for most
Long Term effectiveness 3/5
Can work if strictly adhered to but the difficulty and commitment involved may result in some struggling
Ease of use 2/5
No counting calories or cooking but involves a lot of planning and difficulty eating with others
Cost 3/5
Moderate depending on seasons and foods chosen
Taste 2/5
Probably not very tasty compared to the mainstream eating habits of the modern world
Satiety 5/5
Very low calorie diet consisting of very filling foods
Health 4/5
Well balanced except special attention maybe needed to ensure carbohydrate intake is adequate
Total: 23/35 More Raw Food Diet >>
Best For Life Diet
Short Term effectiveness 2/5
This diets focus is long term. It has phases and to begin with there is more an emphasis on exercise then diet
Long Term effectiveness 4/5
Oprah swears by it. After completing all phases of the diet, one should have lost weight at a healthy speed and developed good eating habits
Ease of use 3/5
The diet is clear about its guidelines but this is no easy fix which is why it is broken up into phases. This wil require some work and commitment on the part of the dieter
Cost 3/5
Fresh food and produce recommended in this diet should be about the average of a normal persons/families grocery shopping
Taste 3/5
Allows a large variety of good food but a lot of food to be removed from the diet may result in a bland diet
Satiety 4/5
Foods eaten in this diet contain whole grains and other foods that can be quite filling
Health 4/5
The diet supports the basics of what types of foods we should avoid and what types we should focus our diet around. It also includes exercise plans
Total: 23/35 More Best For Life Diet >>
South Beach Diet
Short Term effectiveness 4/5
Phase 1 and 2 are effective at weight loss and reaching target goals
Long Term effectiveness 4/5
Once at a healthy weight, the last phase is made up of a well balanced diet with low GI carbs
Ease of use 3/5
Can be difficult for those who will miss carbs but the phases ease dieters into it
Cost 2/5
Diet predominately made up of lean meat can be expensive
Taste 2.5/5
Good if you like your meat and don't care much for fruit and veges
Satiety 3/5
Low carb can be difficult for some but portion sizes of allowed foods aren't restricted
Health 4/5
The diet was originaly designed for heart disease sufferers , Particularly the 3rd phase with its low GI component and balanced range of allowed
Total: 22.5/35 More South Beach Diet >>
Slimfast/ Replacement Meals
Short Term effectiveness 4/5
When 2 or more meals are replaced by this program weight loss will occur rapidly. A combination of fat, muscle and water
Long Term effectiveness 3/5
Replacement diets are generallly only recommended for reaching target goals. Then real foods are recommended and for many, this will result in weight returning
Ease of use 5/5
These diets are very easy - since they don't require whole foods to prepare they will generally come in a convenient form like a bar or a shake
Cost 2/5
They may be expensive for a shake or a bar but not when compared to a meal composed of meat, breads etc
Taste 3/5
Compared to meal dieters are used to eating, it may not feel like a dieter is eating "real" food
Satiety 3/5
Given the portion sizes and the form in which these meals take, they may feel like a snack rather then an actual meal
Health 3/5
Meal replacements are generally formulated to include most the vitamins and minerals your body needs but they will miss some. At the end of the day, there is no real replacement for real foods
Total: 23/35 More Slimfast/ Replacement Meals >>
Special K Diet
Short Term effectiveness 4/5
2 meals replaced with a bowl of cereal, skim milk and fruit will result in a lower calorie diet.
Long Term effectiveness 1/5
It is not recommended long term. Though short term low calorie intake results in weight loss, this does not lead to a well balanced diet
Ease of use 4/5
Very easy, no cooking for the two meals and easy to do at home, work and school
Cost 5/5
Cheap - a box of cereal and a carton of skim milk can go a long way
Taste 3/5
Tasty enough but having a meal many are accustomed to breakfast for lunch or dinner, may become boring and bland quickly
Satiety 2/5
Serving sizes and contents may result in being very hungry
Health 2/5
Though probably healthier than the meal many people would have in their daily diets, 2 meals of special K a day would result in a deficiency of many nutrients and vitamins while doing little to establish new healthy eating patterns for the long term
Total: 21/35 More Special K Diet >>
Cabbage Soup Diet
Short Term effectiveness 5/5
Extremely low calorie intake
Long Term effectiveness 2/5
Not recommended for more then 3 weeks
Ease of use 4/5
Very easy to prepare meals unless you're cooking for others in the household not on the diet
Cost 5/5
Very cheap basic ingredients
Taste 2/5
Very small range of foods. Bland soup. Bland diet.
Satiety 2/5
Allowed foods can be eaten unrestricted but dieters are likely to crave many other foods
Health 0/5
Essentially a crash/fat diet that is too low in calories and void of many nutrients and vitamins
Total: 20/35 More Cabbage Soup Diet >>
Scarsdale Diet
Short Term effectiveness 4/5
Low calorie and low carbohydrate intake should result in fat, fluid and some lean tissue loss
Long Term effectiveness 3/5
The periodic variation of this diet eases the dietary pressure but has been knocked from a taste point of view
Ease of use 3/5
First two weeks are strict, recipes aren't basic and may even have trouble finding ingredients
Cost 3/5
More expensive then the average diet
Taste 2/5
Not considered very tasty
Satiety 3/5
High protein and vegetable content can be satisfying but otherwise not very tasty
Health 1/5
Protein levels are too high, the calorie count is too low with weekly weight loss above nutritional recommendations
Total: 19/35 More Scarsdale Diet >>
Atkins Diet/Low Carb
Short Term effectiveness 5/5
Results in rapid weight loss
Long Term effectiveness 5/5
If adhered to in the long term, one can maintain their weight
Ease of use 2/5
The amount of carbohydrates you can eat need to be measured. This can be annoying and difficult to do away from the home
Cost 1/5
Carbohydate products banned from this diet are the cheap ones. High protein and salads of this diet are often expensive
Taste 2/5
Bans many foods that many people would enjoy. Great if you like meat, meat and more meat
Satiety 3/5
Low carb diet may bring on ketosis making dieters feel full but the absence of carbs may be missed by many
Health 0/5
Low carb, high protein and high fat diets are not recommended by most health professionals. It results in low fibre and intake of many vitamins and minerals
Total: 18/35 More Atkins Diet >>
Detox Diet
Short Term effectiveness 5/5
As detox diets most often involve starvation there is a good chance of rapidly losing a lot of water and probably muscle too
Long Term effectiveness 1/5
Unless the diet doesn't involve steps that gradually introduce good foods back into the diet, after starving the weight loss will not be maintainable and may even result in fat gain and muscle loss
Ease of use 3/5
It's very easy - as you may only be drinking fluid. If the diet has any solids it will probably just vegetables and brown rice. Very basic.
Cost 1/5
These should be cheap unless the specific diet calls for a specific ingredient like the lemon/maple syrup detox diet where the main ingredient is quite expensive
Taste 1/5
If you like the taste of water, lemon and maybe some brown rice and vegetables then you may like these diets. Otherwise you may find them bland
Satiety /5
At least for the first few days most detox diets require you to eat very little. Some just liquids and those that allow you to eat the most will still be very minimial. Brown rice can be filling if they allow.
Health /5
Detox diets may pull dieters in by the idea of losing lots of weight fast. Long term, weight loss from these diets are most likely unmaintainable unless good foods are re-introduced. These diets are definicient of many vitamins and minerals.

Friday 29 January 2016

Sex Secrets of Married Couples

Sex Secrets of Married Couples

Sex Secrets of Married Couples

Sex Secrets of Married Couples
Sex Secrets of Married Couples

Ever wonder how your sex life stacks up to that of other couples? Probably…but relentlessly quizzing friends, coworkers, and strangers on the subway can get a little awkward.
Good thing we have iVillage’s recently-released 2013 Married Sex Survey. Keep reading for some of the most intriguing findings from married men and women all over the country:
  • 80% of men and 61% of women say they’re happy with their sex lives.
  • Women think their husbands are less happy than they are—and for men, the opposite was true. Only 55% of women thought their husbands were happy with their sex lives, but 79% of men thought their wives were happy.
  • 68% of men say they married the best sex of their lives, compared to 45% of women who said the same.
  • What’s turning us on? For women, it’s feelings of love, followed by our partner taking initiative and our partner saying nice things.
  • For men, it’s seeing their partner in sexy clothes, followed by feelings of love, and seeing their partner without clothes. Easy enough.
  • Yaaaawwwwn. 54% of women and 68% of men said their sex life was predictable.
  • The most predictable aspect? For men, it was sexual position. For women? Location, location, location.
  • Blame the kids for the lack of spontaneous kitchen sex! 52% of women and 49% of men said they had hotter sex before having kids. Though about a third say there have been no changes post-kids…and 8% of women and 22% of men actually say sex has gotten better since they had kids. Way to go!
  • Ever sexted? You’re not alone—about a third of married people have texted or emailed sexy messages. Men are more likely to do both, as well as being more likely to leave a sexy voicemail or Facebook note. Just remember to send a message, not a wall post, guys!
  • What’s on your sex wish list? 42% of men surveyed want their partner to initiate more and 41% want oral sex more often.
  • Meanwhile, 35% of women are craving more foreplay, and 32% want their husbands to say more loving things.
  • If you could have a freebie—an extra-marital affair with no chance of getting caught—would you take it? 32% of men and 13% of women said they would. As for who their freebie would be with, an old boyfriend tops the list for women, while men say either a hot celeb (good luck) or a friend’s spouse.
  • Looks like the 50 Shades of Grey effect is real! A fifth of men and women surveyed have read the book, and 65% of ‘em say their sex life has changed as a result—with more foreplay, more sex, more sexy lingerie, more toys in the bedroom, and more discussion about fantasies and desires. We’ll be right back, heading to the library…


Thursday 28 January 2016

Secrets for a Healthy Sex Life

Secrets for a Healthy Sex Life

Secrets for a Healthy Sex Life

Secrets for a Healthy Sex Life

 You probably give your healthy lifestyle credit for a lot of things. Weight control, lowered cholesterol and the ability to run a mile at a healthy clip (or finish a mile at all!) can all be attributed to eating right and working out consistently. But have you ever thought about how your sex life benefits from your day-to-day lifestyle choices?

You may not automatically link your dedication to the treadmill to your love life, but your healthy choices definitely play a role in the bedroom. So whether you’re perfectly satisfied or could stand to kick up the sexy just a notch, check out these five tips for a healthy sex life!

Live a healthy lifestyle!
The best item to bring to the bedroom? No, not sexy massage oils or candles (although those can be fun). Your best bet is to bring self-confidence! If you’re confident, you’ll be less likely to focus on your perceived flaws and more apt to focus on your partner and the moment at hand. If you find that your self-confidence is on a hiatus, exercise and nutritious foods can definitely give you a self-esteem surge!

Exercise and healthy eating will make you look better, sure. But they’ll also make you feel better, inside and out. Exercising regularly will give you more energy, more endurance and more strength. And, let’s be honest: all of those will help you in the bedroom. Eating the right foods will only benefit you and your partner. After all, who feels super sexy after downing a fatty, high-calorie meal? Look at food as fuel—and don’t overfill that tank!

Try a healthy aphrodisiac.
Can eating certain foods help your sex life? Some studies suggest that the psychological effects of certain foods are stronger than the actual physiological effects. But because the brain is actually a big part of sex, it sure doesn’t hurt if certain foods get you in the right frame of mind for a fun night with your partner! And if healthy foods make your body healthier all around, it makes sense that they’ll help you have a healthier sex life. So whether edible aphrodisiacs do anything physically or you just think they do, eating foods you deem sexy just might get you in the mood!
Luckily, many of the foods purported to be aphrodisiacs are also super healthy. Try some of these:

  • Chocolate. Ever wonder why it’s such a big seller on Valentine’s Day? When choosing chocolate, stick to the dark stuff, which is full of antioxidants and helps to lower blood pressure. Plus, chocolate’s serotonin-boosting effects may put you in a feel-good mood. Just remember not to eat the whole bar.
  • Asparagus. Asparagus is said to be an aphrodisiac because of its high content of vitamin E and potassium, which increase blood flow and play a role in sex hormone production, respectively.
  • Bananas. Whether it’s their shape, the energy boost they provide or the muscle-building benefits of the potassium, the banana makes many lists of sexy foods.
  • Oysters. Long-touted aphrodisiacs and libido boosters (thanks to their high zinc content), oysters are also high in Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Avocado. Whether or not it boosts sexual desire or function, this curvy, nutrient-dense fruit benefits the heart, immune system, skin and hair. And what’s sexier than a partner with glowing skin and hair?

  • Make it fun!
    Just like you’ve chosen fitness endeavors that you actually enjoy rather than dread—  (we hope!) you should also make sex as fun as possible. You know how you change up your workouts to avoid that plateau? Change up your sex life to keep it interesting, too. If you and your partner’s routine has gotten stale, mix it up. Take a weekend getaway, or buy your partner something fun to wear. Use your imagination, but make it a point to get out of the same-old, same-old routine.

    Plan if needed.
    It happens: you get busy, stressed, and exhausted—and it’s all you can do to stay awake for even a moment after your head hits the pillow. But just like you wouldn’t let a week go by without working out, don’t let weeks go by without getting frisky with your partner! Sure, it doesn’t sound romantic, but if needed, plan a non-negotiable playdate. Just like starting a workout is the toughest part, sometimes it's hard to get into the groove of a regular sex life. Even if sex is the last thing on your mind, chances are you’ll be glad you kept the date!

    Be safe and smart.
    In this day and age, you can’t be too safe when it comes to your sexual health. Unless you’re in a committed, monogamous relationship, make sure you use protection every time you have sex. Even if you’re safe, get tested periodically for sexually transmitted diseases; some of them are symptomless and it’s better to get treated than to be unaware of your status. If you’re a woman, be sure to hit up the gynecologist for your annual checkups, and men should be sure to see their doctors for physicals and if they notice any strange goings-ons—in their nether regions or anywhere else.
  • While you certainly don’t have to be in shape to have a fabulous sex life, a healthy lifestyle can definitely benefit your confidence, energy levels and give your love life a boost, too!


    AARP. ''Do Aphrodisiacs Really Work?",

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Top Secrets to a Healthy Life

 Top  Secrets to a Healthy Life

Top  Secrets to a Healthy Life

    Top  Secrets to a Healthy Life

Who should read this book? Everyone! Seriously, anyone who deals with one of these concerns listed below or anyone who simply wants to live their longest, healthiest, and happiest life with no need for drugs should read this book. I guarantee you’ll find value or I’ll refund your full purchase price. You have nothing to lose!

Common Health Problems

Do you struggle with these issues?
  • weight gain that keeps creeping up every year
  • poor heart health
  • fatigue
  • mood swings
  • lack of patience
  • loss of mobility – movements that used to be easy are now difficult
  • fear of diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more
  • scattered mind
  • anxiety
  • high cholesterol
  • aches and pains
  • unhealthy skin
  • lack of motivation
If so, it is important to know that you can alleviate all these problems by becoming a little healthier every day. As Tony Robbins likes to say, if you improve just 1% each day then in one year you will have improved 365% and that’s not even factoring in compounding!

Benefits That Can Be Yours

Here are the benefits you can experience, many of them very quickly, by taking action each day to become a little healthier:
  • have more energy
  • lose weight easily with no calorie counting and no starvation! (true!!)
  • improved heart health
  • more mental clarity
  • increased stamina
  • increased flexibility
  • less aches and pains
  • bright, healthy, and younger looking skin
  • relief from chronic stress and anxiety
  • more contented happy outlook
  • lower cholesterol
  • lower chance of life threatening diseases (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, & more)
  • reversal of life threatening diseases
  • relief from auto-immune diseases

Healthier Each Day

How can you become a little healthier each day? Take one small step each day. Learn how in my ebook, The Secrets to a Healthy Life. This book is based on scientific studies as well as my personal experience. My goal when writing this was to share important and impactful health information that is systematically withheld from you and me.

Find Out the Information that Is Being Kept From You

There are many books on becoming healthy, but in America, most of these books miss out on some very important information. For instance we all think that milk is the best source of calcium, right? Well it turns out that that green leafy vegetables are a better source of calcium as well as more easily absorbed. Why is incorrect information fed to us every day about true health? Some experts do so unsuspectingly because they don’t know the truth and they don’t realize they are delivering incorrect information. The biggest reason, though, is MONEY!
When you watch the daily news, what are the commercials for? Prescription drugs! “Talk to your doctor and ask about our purple pill.” And what does your doctor do when you talk to him? He gives you the purple pill. Why do we “need” all these pills we see advertised? It’s because we are being advised to eat all the wrong things.
The food industry that brings you the advice on what you should eat is not the idyllic, wholesome mom and pop farmers you think of. It’s agricultural corporations who know that what they are serving up is bad for you, but similar to the tobacco industry, they don’t care. And similar to the Wall Street crisis, they are in bed with the regulators and government officials who are supposed to be protecting you! They have too much at stake to tell the truth. But what you have at stake is even more important, your life! The shocking truth is that the food most people are eating daily is poisoning them and making them more and more unhealthy each day.

You Have Control Over Your Health

Here’s an amazing fact: Did you know that many people can make themselves healthy without drugs and their harmful side effects by making simple healthy diet changes? (And, no, it’s not the mainstream diet advice you hear everyday on TV.) Make a few more simple habit changes and you can add many healthy years to your life! The Secrets to a Healthy Life tells you how. (There are no special products to buy! This is a super low cost way to improve your health!)
I think many doctors are too busy to either research or advise us on the real ways to become healthy. They barely have time to meet with you much less serve as a health consultant. It’s not their fault. The insurance industry has too much power and financially squeezes doctors forcing them to handle patients like an assembly line. So prescribing a pill is an easier fix. But it’s not the right fix. And that’s why I wrote this book, to give you the right fix.
Am I saying you shouldn’t use conventional medicine when needed? No. Absolutely not. What I am saying is: do your research. The person who cares most about your health is you, so don’t accept everything you hear from doctors and experts at face value. Find out as much information as you can about being healthy. That’s what I did and I hope that my concise and powerful book will get you on the road to vibrant health.

What About Exercise?

Also, what kind of exercise is best? How much should you do daily? What is the minimum amount you should do? My research will leave you pleasantly surprised. Often we give up on exercise because we think it has to be super difficult to make a difference. That’s simply not true.

Other Health Factors – Stress, Social Support, & a Meaningful Life

What else contributes to health besides diet and exercise? There are many things that contribute to your overall health and sense of well-being. It’s not just what you put into your stomach and how you move your body. It’s also how you nourish your heart and your dreams. We live chronically stressful and socially detached lives. If you’re tired of being in a rut, read my book to learn how to really take CARE of you.
The Secrets to a Healthy Life includes information on stress reduction techniques, your total support system, and how important living a meaningful life is to your health.

Monday 18 January 2016

Men bodybuilding Best Motivational video by arnold schwarzenegger

Men bodybuilding Best Motivational video by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Men bodybuilding Best Motivational video by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Men bodybuilding Best Motivational video by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Saturday 16 January 2016

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

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Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

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Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Men BodyBuilding Super Strength Workouts Anatomy

Sunday 13 September 2015

Last Longer in Bed! Sex Experts Tell You How

Last Longer in Bed! Sex Experts Tell You How 

As a guy, the bedroom is probably the one instance where you don't want to finish first. Sex experts (and we assume you) agree that nothing makes you feel more insecure than coming up short when it matters most. If you're plagued by this sexual shortcoming, relax. There are numerous ways to last longer in bed.
“All men have their own extending technique, from thinking about football or baseball or counting backwards in their heads,” says A.L. Harper, a sex expert and former editor of a UK-based men’s magazine. “However, these distraction techniques can result in making them worse in bed because they aren't paying attention to their partner's pleasure.”
If you’re curious to find out the real ways to last longer, so you don't kill the mood for the both of you, check out these tips. We asked three top industry experts to share the advice they give their clients—no Viagra required.

1. Study the Kama Sutra. “There is a technique mentioned in the Kama Sutra for delaying ejaculations that basically comes down to training yourself to last longer,” says Harper. She instructs men to start slowly—with no more than one “in/out” stroke every three seconds. “He should then build more strokes slowly over the course of 4 or 5 minutes, until he is moving one stroke per second.” If the man starts to feel like he is going to come, he should stop and “hold himself inside his partner until he feels in control again. Then he begins the whole process again.”
25 Crazy Sex Stats >>>

2. Get Out of Your Head. “Performance anxiety is the number one killer of sustaining an erection,” says sex coach Dr. Patti Britton, a board-certified Clinical Sexologist. “Shift your thinking to a more confident inner voice, as opposed to a worried voice.” Britton explains that a “self-debilitating mindset” is what shuts guys down. “When you begin to feel anxiety, the strategy is to stop, take a breath, and then focus on how things feel in the body. Stay out of your head and get into your body—focus on the feelings that your body is producing for you.”
4 Sex Positions that Won't Get Her Off >>>

3. Change things up. The best thing to do if you’re getting close to the edge? Alter your speed, advises human sexuality expert Catherine Toyooka, the founder of Catherine Coaches sex workshops. “Try teasing her. Take your penis out and rub just the head of it sensually up and down and between her labia. Vaginas have lots of nerve endings clustered in the lower portion of their vaginal canal, so this move will still be very enjoyable for her to experience.”

4. Slow down! “Instead of the fast-paced jack-hammering style that many men are so fond of, try taking your time,” says Toyooka. Sex at a slower pace leads to a more connected experience for both people. “It’s more sensual because you are caressing and exploring the rest of her body. Kiss her neck, nuzzle her ear, let your hands gently explore her body,” she says. The most important thing to keep in mind that will help you last longer? Enjoy the journey that leads to your destination.

5. Try a different kind of exercise. Dr. Britton suggests exercising the PC muscles (or pubococcygeus muscle, if we’re being technical). They’re the ones that stretch from the anus to the urinary sphincter. To figure out how to squeeze and contract the PC muscles, try stopping your urine flow while you’re in the middle of peeing. You’ll know it when you try it. Three sets of 15 reps per day should do the trick.  “Daily PC muscle reps help a guy to literally pump himself up. Squeezing those muscles triggers good blood flow to the penis, which in turn leads to mental confidence,” she says.
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6. Practice the 7 and 9 method. Similar to the Kama Sutra method (mentioned in no. 1, above), Harper recommends her favorite— the 7 and 9 technique. “It's 7 fast in/out strokes, followed by 9 slow in/out strokes. Then repeat: 7 fast, 9 slow, 7 fast, 9 slow,” she says. “This rhythm is good for guys who don't last quite as long as their partner needs, and good for the ladies as it establishes a good rhythm for her stimulation too.”

 7. Don’t go deep. “If you feel that continued deep thrusting will bring on an all-too-quick orgasm, try penetrating only the lower portion of her vagina—in other words, take more shallow thrusts,” says Toyooka. “Also, alternating between shallow and deep thrusts can make you last longer, and will also make the experience a lot more fun!”

8. Squeeze. Britton recommends that men explore the “squeeze technique.” “There are three areas of the penis where squeezing or applying pressure can help a man sustain or maintain an erection.” For the first, make a tight ring with the index finger and thumb around the base of the shaft when it is erect, simulating a penile ring. It can help a man keep blood flow to the engorged penis. The second: Apply pressure on the underside of the head. “That’s a male hot spot, densely packed with nerves,”  Britton says. And finally, pressing on the “perineum,” or the spot between the anus and the base of the testicles. “It will feel like the tip of the nose. If he presses with his finger, it will congest the flow of ejaculate and help quell the early release of the erection.”

Ways To Look Younger 10 All-Natural Ways to Stay Young

10 All-Natural Ways to Stay Young

10 All-Natural Ways to Stay Young

10 All-Natural Ways to Stay Young

1. Give yourself a break

Recent studies show that stress causes physical changes in the body that can accelerate aging. Surges of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol cause blood pressure to rise and the heart to beat faster. These days, when our stressors seem unrelenting (a steady stream of job pressures, traffic jams, money problems), chronic doses of adrenaline and cortisol take a heavy toll on our physical and emotional health. "Sixty to 90 percent of all doctors' visits each year are related to anxiety, depression, obsessive anger and hostility, insomnia, high blood pressure, heart attacks — all problems caused by stress," says Herbert Benson, MD, author of the landmark book The Relaxation Response and a founder and director emeritus of the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine in Boston.
The most effective way to halt this destructive chain of events is to meditate, using what Dr. Benson calls "the relaxation response." The technique involves repeating a mantra — a word, sound, phrase, or prayer — for as little as 10 minutes a day. A 2005 study conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston showed that meditation helped prevent age-related changes in the brain.
Try it! Once or twice daily, for 10 to 20 minutes (yes, you do have the time — you just have to make it), sit in a quiet place, close your eyes, relax your muscles, roll your head, neck, and shoulders, and breathe deeply. On each exhale, repeat your mantra. If other thoughts try to invade, says Dr. Benson, tell yourself, "Oh, well," and return to your word or phrase. When you're done, keep your eyes closed for an extra minute; slowly allow everyday thoughts to flow back into your mind. Still not into the idea of meditation? Do yoga, or something active and repetitive, like running, instead. Focus on your breathing and how your feet land with each stride. Get your to-do list out of your head, says Dr. Benson.

2. Consume more fat

The healthy kind, that is. Omega-3 fatty acids (found in salmon, walnuts, and seeds) help stabilize your mood, maintain bone strength, and help prevent visible signs of aging by reducing inflammation in the body, explains Nicholas Perricone, MD, a leading anti-aging expert and author of 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health, and Longevity. "Omega-3s also boost the ability of the body's enzymes to pull fat out of storage — from your hips, say — and use it as energy," he says. "Omega-3s keep you healthy and your skin radiant."
Try it! "Virtually every expert agrees that you need two grams of omega-3 fatty acids a day," says Michael Roizen, MD, chair of the division of anesthesiology at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and coauthor of You on a Diet. Eat plenty of fatty fish such as wild salmon (a 3-ounce serving has 6.9 grams), as well as walnuts (one-half ounce has 9.2 grams), says Dr. Roizen. If you aren't getting enough omega-3s from your diet, consider taking fish-oil supplements.

3. Get off the couch

Not only does regular exercise help you lose weight, tone muscles, build healthier bones, and boost mood, it can also help you think clearly. Studies cited by the National Institute on Aging demonstrate a connection between physical exercise and better brain power. "Walking for just 10 minutes a day lowers your risk of Alzheimer's by 40 percent," says Gary Small, MD, director of the UCLA Center on Aging and coauthor of The Healthy Brain Kit. "Physical conditioning reduces stress and anxiety, which wipe out your memory bank."
Try it! Make time for three 20-minute workouts a week. Run, bike, swim, dance — do whatever you enjoy most.

4. Feel the love

Anyone who's ever fallen head over heels or discovered an activity that makes them eager to jump out of bed in the morning knows that passion is a powerful drug. "It's the central motivation of all human activity," says Gail Sheehy in her new book, Sex and the Seasoned Woman. The ability to embrace life boosts self-esteem, fuels the immune system, and improves cardiovascular health. Passion in bed can be particularly beneficial: "Loving touches release hormones, including oxytocin, that reduce stress and anxiety," says Mehmet Oz, MD, professor of surgery and vice chairman of cardiovascular services at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University, as well as the coauthor of You on a Diet. "If sex is a purely hedonistic process, it won't have the same results."
Try it! Banish boredom and isolation at all costs. Rekindle the flames with your partner. Or discover a new love in the form of a mental or physical pursuit: Take up painting, join a book club, start a running program (you'll find motivation and tips and connect with other women like you through Team FITNESS, our personalized online exercise community, at Do whatever it is that makes you feel energized and alive.

5. Drink red wine

Last fall, a groundbreaking study showed that mice on a high-fat diet supplemented with resveratrol, a substance found in the skin of grapes, had longer average lifespans than those not given the resveratrol. According to the study's co-lead researcher Rafael de Cabo, PhD, of the National Institute on Aging, resveratrol clearly reduced the risk of diabetes and liver problems in mice, leading to a significant decline in obesity-related deaths. But here's the catch: "You'd have to drink 180 bottles of red wine a day to get the same benefits," says Dr. Roizen.
Researchers are working now to improve the potency of resveratrol in order to develop a pill that contains the optimum amount of the substance. In the meantime, there's plenty of evidence that a little red wine can offset a host of health problems. A new animal study from Johns Hopkins University suggested that red wine can diminish brain damage caused by stroke by as much as 40 percent. And research released last year showed that grape-seed procyanidins, found in red wine, helps reduce arterial clogging, resulting in lower blood-cholesterol levels and a reduction in deaths from heart disease.
Try it! Until an optimally potent resveratrol pill is available, enjoy red wine, but it's best to follow the latest alcohol guidelines from the American Medical Association and drink no more than one glass (5 ounces) a day for your health.

6. Do yoga

More energy, better posture, greater flexibility, improved mood, and less stress are just some of the rewards of this mind-body workout. "Yoga means 'union' in Sanskrit," says Cyndi Lee, founder of New York City's Om Yoga and a FITNESS advisory board member. "Through conscious yoga breathing, you become aware of the connection between mind and body." That translates into major anti-aging advantages. Yogic breathing has been shown to oxygenate the cells, ridding them of toxins, helping prevent illness, and making skin radiant. Unlike other exercises, says Lee, yoga poses are designed to work the inside of your body as well as the outside, which helps rejuvenate the digestive system, the reproductive system, even the immune system. "Yoga is like wringing your body out like a washcloth," she says. "It's one of the best ways to keep things moving."
Try it! Practice yoga or other mind-body activities at least twice a week, says Lee, to give yourself an energy boost, help build bone mass, and de-stress.

7. Bite into a superfruit

There's a good reason we're hearing so much about pomegranates these days. "Current studies show that they are more beneficial than other fruits," says Dr. Oz. Pomegranate juice has been found to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, possibly delay the onset of atherosclerosis, and potentially help reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease; researchers believe it may also help prevent some forms of cancer from starting or progressing. Pomegranates can also protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays, according to a study published last March.
Another promising anti-ager is the goji berry, a fruit native to Tibet that boasts 500 times more vitamin C by weight than an orange and is considered to be the most abundant source of carotenoids, a type of antioxidant, on earth. This little nutritional powerhouse — which tastes like a denser, sweeter cranberry — also contains more iron than spinach, 18 amino acids, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E, according to Dr. Perricone. The goji berry stimulates the release of human growth hormone, a natural substance in the body that improves our ability to sleep, helps us look younger, reduces fat, improves memory, boosts libido, and enhances the immune system, he says.
Try it! Snack on a handful of dried goji berries (available at Whole Foods Market) throughout the day. Be sure to buy ones from Tibet, because they have high serum levels, advises Dr. Perricone. In addition, drink pomegranate juice. Not a fan of the flavor? Buy it in concentrate and add a tablespoonful daily to kefir (or plain yogurt), suggests Dr. Perricone. For dewy skin, try Rodial's Wrinkle Smoother, a pomegranate-infused anti-aging serum with marine extracts and vitamin C created to plump wrinkles, block sun and give a youthful glow (available at

8. Sip green tea

The health buzz about this brew keeps getting stronger: Last year, green tea was found to reduce the risk of breast cancer and prevent remissions, and now it's being tested as a way to help prevent bladder, colorectal, and lung cancer recurrence. "Green tea is an amazing compound in terms of blocking the signaling network that is linked with the progression of cancer," says Amy Yee, PhD, a professor of biochemistry at Tufts University and principal investigator of the cancer study. It's also an effective weight-management agent because it appears to rev up metabolism, says Dr. Roizen. Preliminary research indicates that green tea may even help prevent Alzheimer's disease. A Japanese study published last year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinking at least one cup a day can help keep your brain sharp as you get older.
Try it! Sip two or three cups daily for the ultimate health benefits, says Yee. We like Tazo China Green Tips tea.

9. Slather your skin with supplements

Retinol, a type of vitamin A (and a nonprescription, weaker-strength relative of Retin-A), is considered the most effective over-the-counter treatment to smooth the skin and prevent wrinkles, says David Colbert, MD, founder of the New York Dermatology Group and a member of the FITNESS advisory board, who practices in New York City. Retinols cause the skin to gently peel, revealing a silkier, rosier, and more supple layer. Dr. Perricone touts the benefits of alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that naturally occurs in the body. "Alpha lipoic acid is a wonderful anti-aging mechanism," he says. It has been shown to reduce fine lines, improve skin texture, tighten pores, and give skin a general radiance.
Another powerful age-defying ingredient is madecassol, or madecassoside (found in La Roche-Posay's Redermic, available at select CVS locations), an Asian plant extract that helps plump the skin, minimize fine lines, and restore a youthful glow, says Dr. Colbert. Madecassol has been used in France for decades to help heal scars and wounds. European studies have also found that it helps diminish wrinkles, restores firmness to skin, and hydrates skin cells.
Try it! Look for skin creams containing retinols, such as La Roche-Posay's Biomedic Retinol Cream (available at dermatologists' offices) or RoC's Retinol Actif Pur Night (at drugstores). Use it only at night, since it doesn't include an SPF. Or try products containing alpha lipoic acid.
Another good way to ensure cell turnover, protect your skin against free radicals, and stimulate collagen growth is to apply vitamin C serum under your moisturizer and makeup, says Dr. Colbert. Some expert-approved choices: IS Clinical C & E Serum (available at dermatologists' and other specialists' offices), SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic (at dermatologists' offices), Noah's Naturals Honest to Goodness Anti-Oxidant Serum Gel (at select Wal-Mart locations), and Pond's Age defEYE Anti-Circle Anti-Puff Eye Therapy (at drugstores). Finally, be sure to use a broad-spectrum sunblock every day to protect against UVA and UVB rays, which cause aging and skin cancer. One we like: Anthelios SX Daily Moisturizing Cream with Mexoryl SX (available at select CVS locations).

10. Do mental aerobics

A study published in last December's Journal of the American Medical Association shows that brain exercises can prevent cognitive decline, and the benefits can last for as many as five years. In his own research, Dr. Small has found that a two-week program of mental training can actually rewire the brain. "We've seen evidence on brain scans that memory improves," he says.
Try it! Strengthen your mind every day by doing crossword puzzles, Sudoku, or Brain Games, a handheld electronic game developed by Dr. Small that uses numbers, sequences, and word play to condition the left and right spheres of the brain (available at Wal-Mart and Target stores)